Fruiting Blocks

Fruiting Blocks

Fruiting Instructions for a 10 lb Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit

 1.  Select a Location:

Choose a suitable environment for fruiting your mushrooms. Ideal conditions include a cool, shaded area with indirect light and good air circulation. Aim for a temperature between 60°F to 75°F. 

2.  Prepare the Grow Kit:

Leave the kit in the box and remove the circular cutout as indicated on the box.  Cut slits or an “X” opening in the exposed plastic fruiting block to allow for air exchange and light penetration.

3.  Hydrate the Kit:

Mist the surface of the grow kit with clean water to maintain humidity. Ensure that the surface is moist but not overly saturated, as too much water can lead to mold.

4.  Initiate Fruiting Conditions:

    To encourage fruiting, increase humidity around the kit. You can do this by:

     - Placing the kit in a clear plastic tent or greenhouse to retain moisture.
     - Using a humidifier in the surrounding area.
     - Covering it with a damp cloth or plastic while allowing for some ventilation.

5.  Light Exposure:

Position the kit in an area with indirect light, as this helps trigger fruiting. Avoid direct sunlight, which can dry out the substrate.

6.  Maintain Humidity

Mist the grow kit lightly at least 1-3 times per day to keep the humidity levels high. Maintaining around 80-90% humidity is ideal for optimal growth.

7.  Wait for Pins:

After a few days to a week (depending on conditions), you should start to see small bumps or “pins” forming. This indicates that the mushrooms are beginning to grow.

8.  Care for the Mushrooms:

Continue to mist the kit and monitor the moisture level. Avoid waterlogging the substrate, but keep it adequately hydrated.

9.  Harvesting:

When the oyster mushrooms are fully matured (typically when the caps are still slightly curled and not fully open), it’s time to harvest. Use a sharp knife to cut them at the base or gently twist them off. Aim to harvest before the caps start to flatten out.

10.  Second Flush (if applicable):

After the first harvest, you can encourage a second flush of mushrooms. Rehydrate the kit by misting it in water. Continue to mist and care for it as before.  Each flush will be slightly smaller and your fruiting block will start drying out.  If you wish to attempt fruiting beyond three flushes it may be necessary to soak the block in water for an hour or two.  To do this remove it from the box and plastic bag and submerge in water (a five gallon bucket works well for this.)

11.  Disposal:

When you are finished fruiting your mushrooms, remove the block and dispose of the cardboard box and plastic bag.  The fruiting block can be broken up and composted in garden, flowerbed or even your lawn.  


- Cleanliness: Always practice cleanliness to avoid contamination during handling.

- Monitoring: Keep an eye on temperature, humidity, and substrate. Small adjustments can make a big difference in mushroom growth.

Enjoy your mushroom growing experience! If you have additional questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask!

Emory Market Gardens, LLC.


Discover how mushrooms offer exceptional nutritional benefits, immune support, and antioxidant properties while providing sustainable, versatile ingredients for delicious cooking.

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